In my personal opinion i think the standard means that every lesson or work you do helps you understand more about literary works through the different lessons you have completed and understand. With the connections of historical backgrounds and writings you understand more of what your trying to learn. It is important to master the standard that way you have a complete understanding, and your not missing anything that could possible get you lost!! What i'm understanding from this standard is that things in our history are connected to us and what we do today because we use how people said or learned things in the past to help us today.
Canyon de chelly by Simon Ortiz
Lie on your back on stonethe stone carved to fitthe shape of yourself.Who made it like this,knowing that I would be alongin a million years and lookat the sky being blue forever?
My son is near me. He sitsand turns on his buttand crawls over to stones,picks one up and holds it,and then puts it in his mouth.The taste of stone.What is it but stone,the earth in your mouth.You, son, are tasting forever.
We walk to the edge of a cliffand look down into the canyon.On this side, we cannot seethe bottom cliffedge but lookingfurther out, we see fields,sand furrows, cottonwoods.In winter, they are softly gray,The cliffs' shadows are distant,hundreds of feet below;we cannot see our own shadows,The wind moves softly into us,My son laughs with the wind;he gasps and laughs.
We find gray root, old wood,so old, with curious twistsin it, curving back into curves,juniper, pinon, or somethingwith hard, red berries in spring.You taste them, and they are sweetand bitter, the berries a delicacyfor bluejays. The plant rootedfragilely in a sandy placeby a canyon wall, the sun bathingshiny, pointed leaves.My son touches the root carefully,aware of its ancient quality.He lays his soft, small fingers on itand looks at me for information.I tell him: wood, an old root,and around it, the earth, ourselves.
The example they gave let you picture what the boy was doing and what it would be like to be there at that exact moment! I think it's about teaching the features of the earth and nature itself and what we know is in our earth. I chose this one because im a type of person who loves to be outside and learn different things and features in our earth, and what they are on the earth to do and how it could be bad or good to us. This poem gave alot of details of what we see on our earth today!
The comparison to the video and my native american poem is that they both included people and earth and what we should be greatful for like life itself. That they do things differently. They have diffrent belifs and who they worship but they both have a god. Since they have opinions about their religion and what not yes they could clash because of their deifferences because not everybody might believe that "There is nothing between you and Hell, but the air it is only the power and pleasure of God that holds you up.
Ben Franklin flyed a kite in a lightning storm because he wanted to fid out what would happended while lightning was out. He didn't agree with the Puritan that God did everything, and people did not need to be scared things. This was the idea of the 18th century in America,called the Age of Reason or the Age of Rationalism.
Deism- was ideas that did not have to do with church.
Declaration of independence- wrote to give people certain rights.
The difference i found between puritans and rationalists were that the puritans belived everything happended because of God, but the rationalist however belived in God , but not that he controlled everything that part of it was nature and science, and that Gods intantions were to create the universe and let human figure out how to work and control it. People still have opinions on how our earth is and how it stated its all around the world it was just a matter of how you grew up and what you were taught to believe!
7: Example: Benjamin Franklin was a good rationalist by the things he did to improve his life. Like the thirteen virtues he used to improve his lif. For example the virtue number two SILENCE:speak not but what may benefit others or yourself: avoid trifling conversation. Benjamin Franklin used a book like a chart to see his porgression in the thirteen virtues this showed how was a good rationalist.
1. Respect yourself and others
2. Do your body right and stay healthy
3. Achieve all goals
4. Help the family and frinds
5. Never let someone misguide you
6. Never fear of losing a person who doesnt fear of losing you
7. Do not disrespect earth
8. Make good decisions through mistakes
9. Follow your religion
10. Do things to the best of your ability
11. Do not hang on a horrible past
12. Never give up on life
Unit one has gave me an understanding of how the puritans follow things and how the rationalist did things. The difference was the puritans thought god would get them to be a better person, and the rationalist knew what they were doing bad at and they would make like a list of it and weekly see how they have improved on it! That just shows how people do things differently in order to better themselves and neither way is necessarily wrong, but one could possible work better!It helps with the Georgia standards by relating what we work on today and what was in our history, and it gives you a comparision and understanding when reading it!In these assignments we were able to identify evidence in the stories which means we got an understanding and have completed that standard.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
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